Andrea Rose Audio Meditations to Inspire & Empower You
Follow the Path to Your Calling…
Award-winning inventor, acclaimed entrepreneur, lecturer, and author Andrea Rose created these audio meditations to inspire those with a vision to follow their calling. Andrea has worked with thousands of inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs helping them realize their dreams. She believes that those seeking to reach the peak of their destiny need to listen to their inner calling and take time to stand back from the world around them. Words of inspiration and encouragement are vital on the difficult road to actualization. Spending quiet times alone, just being, is necessary to clear the mind of any obstacles.
“I created these inspirational empowerment audio meditation to provide a powerful experience that will recharge, invigorate, and stimulate a person to think positive thoughts. Thoughts create feelings and my hope is that the words I have created will instill a sense of believing that we have miracles within us and can achieve our destiny.”
Discovery Your Dream
Start on the Path to the Miracles Within…Discover Your Dream audio meditation provides inspirational words of empowerment. The purpose of the audio is to encourage the listener…
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… to pause from their everyday demands of life. To allow themselves a quiet time to go inside and search for their dreams and aspirations they have or for some reason put aside. All of us have inner thoughts that we want to have materialized, but most do not take the time to hear them. No matter what your dreams are this audio meditation is a place to return to your higher self….enabling your ideas, hopes and dreams to come alive. Fostering you to discover the miracles within you.
Follow Your Vision
Start on the Path to the Miracles Within…Follow Your Vision audio meditation encourages the listener to focus on believing in their higher power and inner thoughts.
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Believing is defined as “having faith and confidence in the existence or worth of something such as a thought, a dream or goal”. During this meditation, you are guided to” believe” and go inside yourself to think of only positive thoughts. Giving yourself the time to focus your mind on your dreams and aspirations…removing any other incoming thoughts. This quiet time encourages you to visit your inner solitude so you can begin listening to your own wisdom… that will bring you closer to your destiny.
Empower Yourself
Start On The Path To The Miracles Within…Empower Yourself audio meditation is a guide to help you step inside yourself, to ignite the power that is within you.
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“Being” without “Doing” is the path to inner wisdom allowing the sparks of thought to fly freely. In listening quietly to this meditation it will provide you with the nourishment you need that only solitude can offer. Be still with your feelings of calm and allow your dreams and visions to be realized. Step onto the path that is awaiting you on your journey to discovering the opportunities all around you. Permit yourself to release all toxic feelings… take in the silence and hear your inner voice. Invite the power of thought to be your guide and begin turning your visions into your destiny.
The Inspirational Life
Start on the Path to Discover the Miracles Within…Inspirational Life audio meditation to help inspire you to discover your passion. Take a step inside yourself…
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and begin to listen for the calling of your inner child. There deep inside is the spark of that joyful youthful you wanting to be heard. Allow the quiet to bring forth the sounds within that bring a smile to your face and a warm feeling of serenity. Listen for that spark of creativity that flows through your being. Let it give you the renewed hope and feelings of power that lie within you.
Believing in Yourself
Start on the Path to the Miracles Within…Believing in Yourself audio meditation that will help bring you closer to your inner power. As you pause from the activities…
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…of your daily life and remain quiet this meditation invites your thoughts to flow providing you the time to focus on “YOU”. As you dive deeper into the solitude of your being start listening for your own words of encouragement. Allow yourself to be inspired and feel the power within. Believe this time of solitude is sacred and cherish your thoughts and feelings. Believe you can discover your inner calling during this meditation. Believe you are the center of the universe, own your greatness and visualize your destiny.
Rise Up Live Your Dream
Start on the Path to the Miracles Within…Rise Up and Live Your Dream audio meditation that will provide the words of encouragement to live your dream.
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The power of solitude is combined with dynamic inspirational words to feed your soul. As you remain still and listen to the quiet within you follow along with the empowering words to nourish your being. You are the master of your life and as you start on the journey to discover your calling… positive thinking will be your savior. Your inner dialogue will help enable you to reach the peaks of your dreams and create your destiny.
How Andrea Rose has inspired others to follow their vision…
“Andrea Rose has clearly taken it upon herself to share her knowledge and experience in an industry that is incredibly difficult to get into and to have success in.”
“The big shift Andrea helped with was going from a trainer to building a team of trainers. I am confident in my plan and it is already working.”